Wednesday, December 1, 2010

One post, Many subjects

Where to start...

Firstly, I saw the Harry Potter 7, which was AMAZING! They're in like, what, college now!? I was very sad to see that it was ONLY PART 1! It's disappointing to know that you have to wait almost TWO YEARS to watch the next one! But at least I was blessed to see it.

Thanksgiving was AWESOME and yummy.If I had to list everything I was thankful for.. the list would go on FOREVER. But the one thing in particular is hugs. I mean, hugs are awesome. And they don't cost anything!! (Thumbs up for free hugs) (: If you're upset they cheer you up. Hugs are awesome. Period.

And last but not least, SNOW DAY!!! I love the snow.... I thank God for all his great works. Thanks for readin!

1 comment:

  1. I totaly agree with you on that hugs thing! haha, I saw Harry Potter 7 Pt.1 too! I thought it was SO AWESOME!! :)
