Friday, June 24, 2011


Hello my loyal followers. I apologize for my not posting and such! I still love everyone. So! Updates on the life!
 Unlike many joyful hooligans, I'm not happy summer is here. :( I'd rather be with ALL my friends instead of about to be going separate ways  for junior high. I'd rather be with my AMAZING teacher Mr. Bellomy, I'd rather be in an air-conditioned hallway getting yelled at for not paying attention. 

Yeah, it might seem pretty sad to all of you who are ecstatic to be away from that bottomless hole of suckishness. But to me White Pine was my other home. It was a place of love, inspiration, encouragement, and drama, yes. But all of these things are what make a family. We have our differences and that's what makes us unique. To all the kids my age, I think we'll regret not acting like kids; because we are. We need to be childish sometimes instead of constantly looking at guys or girls, always wanting. We should just let loose and have fun. Maybe that was why we won't miss White Pine. Yes, this is a very cheesy post, yet you should listen to it. I know I'll miss White Pine, and hopefully all my classmates of 6A, 6B, and 6C. I'll miss our little fifth graders, our code languages, and the sounds of the duties' yelling. Yeah, this is the sound of my home. The little kids' screams of joy, the sound of the guys playing football, the girls playing jump rope or laughing at the guys' failure at catching the football. Just kidding, the guys weren't TERRIBLY bad. 

I could rant about how much I miss the school, but it would make this post SLIGHTLY boring. :) On the recent updates, I got a hair cut! I'll post it as my picture soon. But I'm off to my friend's house, everyone wish her a big, virtual "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Thanks for reading my bright green rambling today. :)