Friday, June 25, 2010


Has just struck me. I realize I'm now a sixth grader, and that means maturity. How is it possible to have been a younger just a few years ago, in ignorant bliss without a care? Now we have the rescission, muggers, etc. to worry about. And I can't say things that I did as a child that would be considered nasty, (we have some 6th graders at my school to thank for that.

Anyways, I guess this post is to remind us that we should enjoy time as "littler" kids while we can. Geez, I sound like my mother. So all of those "11 going on 16" girls out there, (I'm a partyer too, but still) try to take life slower. And then when you're older, you'll come to realize  I was right. Even if you were just randomly browsing blogs... Thanks for reading, please subscribe!


  1. Hey, I least we're at the top of the school now! Unlike Abby here who is already in middle school... KD

  2. Don't worry about the muggers and all those creepy people out there. Just worry about what's important to you, like your dear ol' Abby out here, haha! Anyway, just enjoy your elementary life. Stay young, and don't even think about growing up and becoming an adult. I love you!! Come friggin visit!

    ♥ Abigail ♥

  3. Hey Ashley!
    I know! Being a kid is fun. And soon, when your an audult... IDK, 40 yrs from now, you wont be able to run around like us kids do. You wont just call up your friend and say "Hey, let's meet at a park." or "Hey, Let's go to Roaring Springs" or something like that... Pretty soon, we are gonna be rude... ...... ...... teen-AGERS! See how I put the AGERS in there? :)
    Call Me!

  4. Will do, Maddie. :) And OK Abby! Katie is so right... Abby, you are coming back to W.P. next year whether you like it or not! :P Jk. :)
