Sunday, October 31, 2010

Treat... Or Trick?

Happy Halloween everyone! I'm sorry about not being able to post, we busied ourselves with scary movies and outrageous questions/dares. If able to, I'll have one of my fellow people post. If not, I'll still write anyways. (Possibly tomorrow, I don't know.) Enjoy the candy! Until then... Goodbye!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Many Wonders

Okay so, a reader titled "Anonymous" came up with the new blog name. I think it fits. What about you?
Before I continue the second part of the corn maze, I'd like to set something straight. I'm not hoping to have the most popular blog in the world. But I mean, I'd like to have some people reading it.

I'd like to start with the corn maze. It was pretty boring in the beginning. Because 1) I had a miscommunication with my mother that made us bored, wondering around with no money, and staggering like drunks. (I have to admit though, it was pretty funny.) And two, we didn't get to see any cute guys! Sorry... That was the girly side of my brain kicking up.

Anyways, we found pumpkins and compared them to people at our school. Okay... A little mean, I know. We then took a hay ride, and discovered that the best pumpkins were at the very, very end. After we hopped off of the hay ride, we took a long stroll to the farthest end of the patch. We were just trying to burn off time. So when we walked over to the longest part, we began finding small little pumpkins and comparing the best ones to, again, people at our school.

This time, though, we compared them to the best personalities.  Translation: Boys we liked.
After we found some adorable pumpkins, we carried them back to show my mom.

At around 6:30, we finally made it to the corn maze. It was fun, trying to figure out which way to navigate. But, corn stalks are evil.  Because it gave me a corn stalk cut across my cheek!! Well... I may have deserved it. I was picking off the corn so it probably decided to fight back.

Anyways, thank you to the faithful reader that has decided the new blog name. Before I sign off, I'd like to (yes, again) ask something of you. Please comment below and tell me about your experience at the corn maze.  Thanks guys!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Corn Maze

Many people come here to have fun. Little squeals of joy from the little children, older children trying to blend in, and the frustration and annoyance from the parents. All in all, it's a pretty fun experience. Here are some pictures to give you an idea: 

Don't worry- the chainsaw's rubber. (The Blades are, anyways.)   And the people were in the 'FIELD OF SCREAMS'. Here's another picture on the subject:

And this just proves clowns are creepy. Even in daylight.
On a lighter note, there's an inflated balloon thingy you can bounce on until your side hurts and you're gasping for breath. My friend, Journey, and I are probably going to go to the light-hearted kid's event. And (sadly) not going to be able to go to some scarier stuff like the Field Of Screams. Not today, at least.

There's food, and drinks, as well as a pumpkin patch and kiddy rides. As a joke, Journey and I will probably go on some of the little rides. I hope no one is severely injured by the time I get on the race track. I should probably stay away from that to avoid suing... 

Anyways, comment below if you have any costume ideas for Halloween! Thanks!

As one last picture, I'd like to share with you this one. Poor pumpkin, the annoying orange will probably soon make a video with it! (Hence the terrorized expression.)

Today is a new record for the blog. It's the longest post yet achieved! Thank you for being a faithful reader.

Before I sign off, I'd like to ask you a favor. Please comment below for a new idea for a blog name.If I'm not able to post again, Happy Halloween!!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Among the many

For those of you who are religious, have you ever considered Halloween? Like, REALLY thought about it?
  If Jesus were to come on that day, what would you be representing? Would you be something to represent him, (good) or something that would clash against your belief in him? (bad) Just think about it.
  And while I'm typing this, the computer corrected me for spelling "halloween" non-capitalized. Halloween was originally meant to chase away "evil spirits".
 Did this ever occur to you? It seems to be that we are now representing the spirits. Halloween has gotten out of control. Not trying to be "Debby Downer" or anything, I just thought I needed to post this. Try to represent (if you happen to be a religious person) something you think God would smile upon. If you don't, that's fine.

Anyways, think I may start with an assignment for each week. This week's assignment: Figure out fun, scary, etc. Halloween costumes and send some pics in! Have a fun Halloween! If you think this is all on the subject, you're absolutely INSANE. :) Byee!!